Juniors (Gr. 7-9)

Language Arts, Literature, Mathematics, Health Science, General Science, Social Studies, Religious Studies, Arts & Craft, Computer Science, Keyboarding, Music, Spanish, Physical Education

Seniors (Gr. 10-12)

Language Arts, Literature, Mathematics, Biology, History, Religious Studies, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science, Psychology, Sociology, Health & Family Life, Commerce, Accounts, Keyboarding, Spanish, Civics & Economics, Music, Physical Education


Grading System

There are three (3) semesters in the school year. The basis for calculating the final grade of a semester course is: Term Grade= 70%; Term Final Exam= 30%. The “trend” of a student’s grade in a course may play a role in calculating a final grade. In cases where the average may go in either direction, a teacher may consider the trend during the latter part of the semester. The grading scale:

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Academic Distinctions

Principal’s List: 3.70 or above; Honor Roll: 3.00-3.69 ; Merit Roll: 2.85 -2.99

*In order for a student to be promoted to the next grade level, a cumulative GPA of 2.00 is required for that academic year.

External Examinations

Students will be able to register for national and international examinations, including: BGCSEs, BJCs, SAT, ACT, etc. The exact dates for the exams will be released during the calendar year.

Graduation Criteria

To qualify for graduation from Alternative Learning Institute, students must meet the criteria below as specified by the MOE:

  • Attain 4 BJC Subjects (including Mathematics, English Language, a Science, and Social Studies)

  • Complete all subjects prescribed with at least a D or above

  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 throughout grades 10-12

  • Complete thirty (30) hours of unpaid Community Service

  • Complete twenty (20) hours of Job Readiness Training

  • Maintain 90% or higher attendance and punctuality throughout grades 10-12

Educational Partnerships

EdOptions Academy: Students can earn a high school diploma and career certificate within the partnership with EdOptions Academy. EdOptions Academy is a fully accredited K-12 virtual school solution that allows schools and districts to enhance, expand, and extend their program offerings. They are trusted within the United States by over 400 schools and districts to provide rigorous, research-based and pedagogically sound curriculum paired with state-certified teachers that enhance your students’ academic options. Not all students thrive in the traditional classroom, but every student is capable of earning a high school diploma. EdOptions Career Academy provides a fully accredited online high school program that empowers students to graduate on time with their cohorts, explore post-secondary possibilities, pursue personal interests, and prepare to obtain industry recognized credentials. EdOptions Career Academy is ideal for students who: are behind in credits and need a path to high school graduation require a flexible schedule, thrive in an environment focused on real-world application; are ready to move forward in a career, plan to attend college, a trade school, or vocational program.

StudyIsland Online Program: This verified Edmentum product helps students from kindergarten through 12th grade master state-specific grade-level academic standards in a fun and engaging manner. StudyIsland combines rigorous content that is highly customized to specific interactive features and games that engage students and reinforce and reward learning achievement. The online suite of products uses technology to transform education and can be accessed both in school or at home, making it a useful tool for hybrid learning. All of the programs are designed to create a very user-friendly experience for students and teachers.